Tuesday 12 May 2015

Post Hole Champion

I feel like I have entered into a whole new level of redneckery.... I dug post holes, like for putting in fence posts. Did you know there was a name for it? And guys, I feel like I have found my calling. Seriously, I am really good at it! My hands might be covered in blisters and may not ever relax out of this claw seizure, and my back may be in a permanent hunch, but it was worth it!  Looking down at your shovel that has disappeared down a 4 foot hole only as wide as your foot is long, is oddly satisfying.... I did that. I dug that awesome hole. I am sure I felt like this at some point in my childhood.

We are putting in a fence around our yard. Last year, we couldn't plant our garden until mid June, because the lambs kept getting in and eating everything! So most of our crop were these sad little stunted things. We even had watermelon which made a valiant effort, but the first frost got them before they could really get anywhere. This year however! We started a bunch of our plants indoors ahead of time and we're putting up a fence. I cannot wait for things to really get going. It is going to be so nice having a real garden this year!

Just a little tidbit, did you know people round here measure the depth of the snow by how high it reaches on the barbwire fence?! "Geeze, Snow got 2 strands deep this year".  If there were a redneck dictionary, you would find that in there....

This post is just a little quicky. Mostly I just wanted to share how proud I was of my new found career choice.  I held myself back from taking pictures though. I couldn't imagine looking down a deep dank hole being as interesting for you as it definitely is for me.... However, I did take these handful of gems I thought I would share!

1 comment:

  1. In your new found career you might want to invest in a post hole digger to make your life slightly easier. Your black & white dog looks like a dog I had when growing up.
